CBORD Insights provides thought leadership based on proprietary research of stakeholders in healthcare organizations across America and the world. Learn what your peers are saying about market pain points and technical solutions. Be the first to know and move!
WHITE PAPER: Healthcare Foodservice: The Need for Connected Systems
Healthcare organizations today
face a variety of challenges,
but to a great extent, these boil
down to two basic imperatives: cost
control and patient experience.

BLOG: Foodservice and Technology: The Key to Increased Revenue
4 out of 10 foodservice decision-makers believe that their future success depends “to a large extent” on creating new foodservice revenue streams, according to recent CBORD Insights research.

BLOG: Connecting with Staff Satisfaction
In a recent CBORD Insights survey, 46% of respondents said they were only somewhat or not at all satisfied with the progress they’ve made attracting and retaining staff.

BLOG: Getting Room Service Right
Today, many hospitals are interested in providing patients, guests, and staff with more dining options and choices. On-demand room service is a particular area of focus based on popular demand.

BLOG: Financial Impacts of Strategic Automation
Automation is key to overcoming current market pressures, yet not just any automation will do. Learn why strategic, enterprise automation offers significant advantages.

VIDEOS: 2023 Top Trends Webinar Highlights
Watch the highlight clips of our recent research-based webinar. No forms to fill out, just quick and easy viewing. Catch the key points in minutes instead of a full hour.

WHITE PAPER: Top 6 Challenges in Healthcare Foodservice
Discover which market pressures are creating the most pain points for your peers and how automation is equipping them to overcome the ongoing challenges.
WEBINAR: 2023 Top Trends in Healthcare Foodservice Automation
View the on-demand recording of our research-based webinar and learn how your peers are leveraging automation to reduce costs and improve the hospital experience.