CBORD Insights provides thought leadership based on proprietary research of stakeholders on university and college campuses across America and the world. Learn what your peers are saying about market pain points and technical solutions. Be the first to know and move!
STUDY: Colleges and Universities See On-Campus Automation as Critical for Long-Term Success
A new study finds that leaders in higher education are turning to automation to offset an expected decrease in dining revenue due to declining enrollment over the next few years. Read about how CBORD is helping colleges and universities implement technologies that streamline foodservice operations and create new revenue sources.
BLOG: Working Smarter on the Student Experience
When asked what outcomes are critical to their future success, higher education administrators place attracting and retaining students at the top of the list. Read about how technology can help colleges enhance the student experience through data-driven decision-making.
BLOG: Connecting to Drive Increased Revenue
Learn ways to focus not only on increasing efficiency in your operations, but also on bolstering the bottom line by increasing revenue. With linked technologies and operations, institutions can have a flexible framework that allows them to build revenue by continuing to give their customers what they want.
WHITE PAPER: The Accelerating Shift Toward the Connected Campus
We asked hundreds of higher education leaders as well as students across the country to give us insight into how they perceive the connected campus can address concerns, such as labor and supply shortages; the need for new revenue sources and economies of scale; and ongoing concerns about cyber and physical security.
BLOG: The Connected Campus: Getting From Here to There
The connected campus integrates systems to bridge organizational silos, enable centralized management of operations, and deliver the right experience to students. But it does not need to be implemented all at once — it can be done gradually over time. A roadmap allows institutions to break the overall initiative into manageable phases that focus on the destination: the connected campus.
WEBINARS: A Student's Day on a Connected Campus and Behind the Scenes on a Connected Campus
In a recent CBORD Insights survey, students told us that they want their campus at their fingertips – every service and option accessible from their smartphone at any time. You might have expected this, but do you know how to deliver? Here’s your chance to find out.
Watch our on-demand research-based webinars, a two-part series co-presented by mobile credential partners CBORD and Allegion.
CASE STUDY: Mobile Credentials: The Key to a Connected Campus
Digital student IDs improve the
student experience by making
transactions and access on campus more seamless.
Read about how the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, transitioned to mobile credentials and the unexpected benefits that came with that move.
BLOG: Working Smarter to Manage Shortages and Inflation in Higher Education Foodservice
Follow a director of dining services as he works to overcome supply chain shortages and inflation. Discover how automation is streamlining higher education foodservice operations without impacting student experience.
Provide the Services Students Need with the Technology They Want
The value of the connected campus is in the synergies it creates and the service levels it enables — not to mention the control levers and revenue streams it affords leadership. Contact us today and let's build a vision and business case you can sell!